Protect passengers, data, cargo and employees through resilient cyber security services
Air, rail, bus, maritime, and transport infrastructure organisations are undergoing significant technology change as passenger, regulatory and stakeholder expectations continue to rise. The technology changes which are being demanded by passengers, regulators and stakeholder groups are resulting in transport organisations looking to improve their legacy infrastructure, connectivity and data storage strategies.
At Cyberfort we put in place offensive and defensive cyber security strategies which enable transport organisations to deploy zero trust networks, keep operational technology secure against attack and make sure the right data privacy controls are in place.
Why Cyberfort?
Building cyber security into resilient and reliable transport networks
We work with Transport organisations to build a ‘Secure by Design’ approach into their transport networks. By adopting this ‘Secure by Design’ approach cyber security policies, controls, and processes can be created. This results in resilient and reliable transport networks which can be used safely by passengers. It also ensures the safe shipping of cargo across national and international routes.
Effective management of supply chain cyber security risks
We provide transport organisations with vendor risk cyber security assessments. We review supplier contracts to ensure their cyber security policies are aligned with your organisations cyber security expectations and put the right levels of security in place to keep your organisation secure against cyber-attacks which originate through suppliers.
Prioritising functionality over security in the deployment of IoT devices
We work with transport organisations to understand where IoT devices have been deployed and assess their security vulnerabilities in terms of the networks they are connected to, the types of data being collected and who has access to where the data is stored. We review IoT security, improve access management controls, and overall security architecture.
Advanced Persistent Threats causing operational disruptions
We help transport organisations to mitigate Advanced Persistent Threats by identifying vulnerabilities across networks, leverage threat intelligence to understand the different types of attacks and provide a range of services which detect, respond and contain attacks to prevent operational disruptions.